5 Tips to Keep your Home Pest-Free this Holiday Season

Dec 1, 2022

The holiday season is in full swing, and with that comes an increased risk of developing a pest issue in your home. Why this higher risk during these couple of months? The holidays mean more foot traffic, outside guests, and celebrations generally filled with food and drinks along with the festive atmosphere. All of this contributes to the increased risks of pest issues. Many of the preventative measures one can take during the holidays are the same as any other time of year – things like general tidiness, proper food storage, and regular pest inspections. However, there are a few additional steps you can take this holiday season to keep your home pests-free.

Enjoy the Food, but Store it Properly.

Holiday parties and events often mean lots of good food and drinks. There is nothing wrong with setting out a food buffet or gathering over the dinner table. However, the constant festive atmosphere makes it easy to want to keep food out. Properly storing any leftovers – including those that can safely sit at room temperature – prevents pests from having easy access to that holiday food. Invest in sealable containers that both keep food fresh and keep any pests away. If leftovers do need to be tossed out, be sure to empty the garbage frequently to further prevent any pest issues.

Don’t Invite Termites by Storing Firewood Inside

Those lucky enough to have a fireplace inside the home know the coziness that offers over the holidays. As tempting as it may be to leave a small stack of wood inside for easy access when needed, doing so could mean inviting termites or other wood-destroying organisms (WDOs) inside as well. Keep any firewood neatly stored outside, a good distance away from the perimeter of the structure. There is no 100% effective preventative measure against termites finding their way inside your home. However, storing unused firewood inside or near the foundation provides these pests with direct access to the home and all of the furnishings inside.

Check your Decorations Before Storing them Away

By now, most households have their holiday decorations and lights on display. A great pest control tip to keep in mind when packing those back into storage after the holidays is to thoroughly clean and inspect them for any critters prior to storing them until next year. This helps prevent any surprises next year when unpacking. Also, opt for sealable, plastic storage containers over cardboard boxes. Not only are these better at keeping pests out, but they also don’t offer pests any food sources. Many common household pests – including termites, silverfish, and cockroaches – enjoy eating cardboard for its cellulose and starch.

 Spills Happen but Clean them up Quickly

Spilled drinks and cookie crumbs are inevitable over the holidays. Avoid the temptation to “deal with it later” and clean up any spills or messes as quickly as possible. Empty any trash cans regularly, and keep extra trash bags readily available to make changing them out easy even during a busy event. When dining buffet style or dazzling guests with an appetizer table, keep a close watch on the food and ensure the area remains as tidy as possible.

When it comes to dishes, try to clean as you go to avoid dirty plates and cutlery stacking up. Hosts (and guests) want to enjoy holiday events, so cleaning isn’t always a top priority. However, taking a proactive approach and cleaning up regularly means less work later and a lessened chance of pest issues from food and drink left behind.

Consider a Pest Inspection Post-Holidays

Certainly, if you notice a pest issue this holiday season, contact a local pest control expert immediately. However, a pest inspection can be a great idea even for those households not experiencing any noticeable infestations. Regular inspections are a key aspect of any pest prevention plan, holiday season or otherwise. These inspections are an opportunity for an expert with a trained eye to identify any issues commonly missed by those without pest expertise. They can also note any vulnerabilities and proactively treat areas commonly infested in Florida homes. Prevention is the best form of pest control. After a busy holiday season, be sure you head into the new year knowing your home is pest-free.

Pest Inspections from Knockout Pest Control

The team at Knockout Pest Control has been exterminating pests around Jacksonville, Fl area for over 30 years. Our team of highly trained professionals brings years of experience treating and preventing pest infestations in Florida homes and businesses. From emergency treatments to regular, preventative inspections – our team is here to help you keep your home or business safe and free from common pests.

 If you make it through the holiday season without any pest issues, that’s great news! Consider planning a pest inspection in the next couple of months to ensure it stays that way throughout the new year. Each season brings its own unique threats when it comes to pests, so prevention and treatment vary throughout the year as well. A trained expert can help implement a plan to prevent pests all year long.

For those this holiday season that notice any potential pest issues, call our team immediately. We can help identify the issue and develop and implement a treatment plan to get your home free from pests to start 2023 the right way,  Contact the team at Knockout Pest Control today!